Attack of the Animated Web Page Ads

Posted by GOO | Posted in , | Posted on 12:15

Annoying animated ads are running takeover of cyberspace lately.

As should read a column, when a moving source keeps drawing silhouette of a disc on the arm of a person over and over again - a silhouette that not a kind of frenetic John Travolta dancing in a corner of my eye. As if not visually overload enough these days!

Can you imagine trying to sit on a series of advertising nerd, grasp the best opportunities to develop our attention. SayRead "yeah Let's have squirrel racing up and down the tree. Even if you try to one end of the rolled-up newspaper, will not be able to escape the uncertainty."

Advertisers are sometimes wrong. It is not just about the animation or the concept of originality or style of design. You need to know what kind of reaction the ad makes the viewer to consider. In many cases, the animated ads on a page with the text to trigger resentment, if only because people like to be bale to concentrate on reading.

ABloggers I read about this, he said, quickly scrolling on a page that requests the block which are repeated a squirrel and a hyperactive aerobics blonde forever.

The "Daily Telegraph" I was at had a gun fire, rolling doors, which, like jumping over again ... and more ... while some others went frantic behavior in a field further up the page. It 'was like trying to read in the middle of the battle of Waterloo.

Why do not advertisers to understand the fundamental truth that a lot of peoplevisually assaulted is not a point-click on an ad. Some people even develop a prejudice against the product. Advertisers have always assumed that may have lost so much because of off potential consumers? Could you provide a survey of eye opening.

But perhaps there is a significant population there, mesmerized by the repetitive movement. His eyes shine with forty times as someone who has tattooed his head in a row, and that simply can not resist the temptation to clickhead.

The areas with these ads are, by their eye health visitors think. If I go blind, is on one side, the number of animated ads increased to four, while I am fighting with each phrase in a page, it's like a colony of ants, I doubt that there is an attorney, Florida will be very happy to hear from me.

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